Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hawkes girls.

I know I keep saying this but Jasie is growing SOO fast I can't believe shes a year old on the 8th! She is so fun and she has started throwing tantrums, giving kisses, saying "wasat" (whats that) she signs for milk and eat and more...o shes so smart. Chelsie is doing amazing in 2nd grade, she is at the top of her class and ahead of the class with reading. Sydnie is finally potty trained, with exception of night time, but that will come. She repeats everything we say to her and she can sing every song I could ever think of.


Mapleton 3rd Ward Relief Society said...

YAY you updated!!! I'm so glad. Hope you are doing well, and it looks like it from the pics. Merry Christmas. <3 Mel

Ryan and Shelia said...

I am so glad to see you had a great holiday. We missed seeing you.

Anonymous said...

Your girls are so cute! Tell Chelsie that Madi was a witch too! We miss you!

Ann Graves Matthews said...

That picture of Jacie kissing her dad is about the cutest thing I have EVER seen! That should be blown up and displayed on a billboard! IT MAKES ME SMILE!!
Thanks for sharing ALL of you pictures and family stories. I LOVE THEM!!!