Monday, June 22, 2009

Confessions of a mommy drama queen...

1. I am obsessed with Harry Potter, books, movies, I don't care give me all of it!
2. Jason has been begging me for baby #4 since January...I've told him NO! so far, I just don't feel ready yet, kids are a lot of work. Especially with a fireman husband.
3. I have never read the Book of Mormon cover to cover, mostly because I have never clearly understood it enough to have the desire. I challenged myself in January and have LOVED every minute of it. WHAT a truly amazing gift from Heavenly Father, he really knows what is best for us.
4. I wake up every morning Mon-Thurs. at 5:45 and jog 2 miles, it really has become such a joy!
5. I don't like sharing my food from my plate with my kids, or anyone really, but I am happy to get you your own plate of food. LOL


GrNana and GrGramps said...

But you do such a beautiful job with them, Brandie. I will never forget the sight of you and Chelsie pushing the 2 strollers into Kaitlin's birthday party. It was a picture. Indeed a picture of organization. You will know when you are ready for #4. Like you said Jason is gone so much. We love you.

Team Hodges said...

Hey! You can join my club: "I'm not really ready but let's try for another one (or 2)" club. And this time, maybe we'll have to switch, pink for blue.:) And what is up with the running thing?! You really have come a long way since my living room and the big bouncy balls! I'm proud of you! Come for a visit sometime.